There is no rejection during the data collection. Everyone that we approached are willing to participate.
Nurses rocks!
July 22, 20108:00 AM
The image above are data collected on the 3rd August 2010, where the height and weight are already in average after adding 2 results and divide it by 2.
This will the the variables of data.
Histogram of respondent's BMI.
Histogram of respondent's height.
Here is the descriptive statistics.
Statistics of data collected.
Nurses rocks!
July 21, 201011:12 AM
Relationship between BMI and Height!!
The scatter plot appears to follow a general positive linear trend, though the relationship is very weak. However, there is no violation of the linearity assumption.
From the table above, Pearson's r=0.155. This shows that there is a weak positive relationship between BMI and height.
The p=o.414, which is >0.05. When p>0.05, we fail to reject the null hypothesis.
In conclusion, a person's BMI is not significant to his height.
Relationship between BMI and weight!!
Since we found that a person's BMI is not related to his height, we have decided to explore a little further and analyze if a person's BMI is related to his weight.
Research question: Is a person's BMI related to his weight?
Ho: A person's BMI is not significant to his weight.
H1: A person's BMI is significant to his weight.
The scatter plot appears to follow a general positive linear trend, and there is no violation of the linearity assumption.
From the table above, Pearson's r = 0.884. This shows that there is a positive and very strong relationship between BMI and weight. The p value is 0.000, which is <0.05. When p < or equal to 0.05 we reject null hypothesis. In conclusion, a person's BMI is significant to his weight.
Nurses rocks!
July 20, 201011:20 PM
At first glance, the project seemed relatively easy to carry out. But as we go further, many obstacles pop-up here and there. We were grateful that every participants we approach, they are willing to spare us a few minutes to complete our procedure. The steps that we go through were very organized and systematic. Data collection and combinations was quite easy as we used SPSS program to enter the data to obtain the analyzed results but we have many difficulties doing the blog such as uploading the data and pictures. Finally, it is done! This journey opened our eyes to the world of statistic. We bring nothing home in hand but sweet memories of teamwork as it is important for every projects that we do because two brains is better than one and better filled brain. Here we would like to thank Ms Chia, Mr Mario and Mr Chiu for their guidance.
Hope that you enjoy reading our blog~~
Nurses rocks!
NYP - Nursing Students
#Ervina Yap(19)
#Siaohuan Yeo(19)
#Nabila(19) - Leader
This is our Statistic's blog !
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