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August 4, 201010:00 AM

Once you see ESPN, you will be thinking about FOOTBALL channel on television. Furthermore, now everyone having football fever.. But for us here, non of us like football at all. Not only that but we even don't understand why 22 people chase against a BALL.

Well, ESPN here mean our group consist of 4 person which are Ervina, Siaohuan, Premmala and Nabila. When you combine our first alphabet in our name, you can find ESPN~~

Up coming will be introduction of ourself.........

Nurses rocks!

August 2, 20102:24 PM
Title: Height-Related Changes in Body Mass Index: A Reappraisal
Article citation: Journal of the American College of nutrition, Vol. 23 No.1, 51-54(2004), Published by the American College of Nutrition.

Purpose: To study the relationship between BMI and height in 20-22 years old patients.

Sample: 10 to 22 years old Military personnel.

Setting: Israel Defense Force

Findings: When we compare the BMi and height in females and males, there was a statistically significant, although weak, negative correlation between BMI and Height in females, while the correlations was positive in males.

Summary: In young adults, BMI is affected in subtle, but opposite manner in males and females. In males, BMI increase with increasing height, while in females, BMI decreases with increasing height.

Nurses rocks!

August 1, 201012:56 PM
Objective: To find the relationship between BMI and Height.

Question: Is a person's BMI related to his height?

Nurses rocks!

July 31, 201011:28 AM

Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated using a person's height and weight. So, if there is a slight changes in height, our findings will be affected.

Nurses rocks!

July 30, 20101:07 PM
Null Hypothesis (Ho)
There is no significant difference between Body Mass Index (BMI) and Height.

Research/Alternatives Hypothesis
There is significant positively relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) and Height.

Nurses rocks!

July 29, 20109:18 AM
Dependent Variable
Independent Variable
Extraneous Variables

Nurses rocks!

July 28, 20109:00 AM
Is a statistical measure of a body weight based on a person's weight and height. It is used to estimate a healthy body weight based on a person's height.

Height is a measurement of vertical distance to indicate 'how tall' that person.

Body weight is defined as the heaviness of a person measured in kilogram.


After measuring the height and weight, a scientific calculator is use to calculate. The formula is

Weight (kg)/ height (m) 2.

The height is measured using measuring tape in centimeter (cm).

The weight is measured using digital weighing machine in kilogram (kg).

Nurses rocks!

July 27, 20104:17 PM
Informed consent
-Research will be carried out with consent from samples.

No biasness against samples

-Relevant data will not be revealed to non-authorised personnel.

Nurses rocks!

July 26, 20108:40 AM

  1. Remove footwear(s).
  2. Stand with head and feet touching the wall.
  3. Look & keep head straight and in an upright position.
  4. Place ruler above head and measure height against measuring tape.
  5. Record the data.
  6. Repeat step 2, 3, 4 and 5.
  7. Instruct the students to go for weight weighing.

  1. Wait for digital weighing scale to show zero before stepping onto the weighing scale.
  2. Stand straight & Look straight (Do not attempt to look at the weighing scale).
  3. Record the data .
  4. Repeat step 1, 2 & 3.

Nurses rocks!

July 25, 201012:30 AM
Venue: Library
Date: 3rd August 2010
Time: 9am - 10am
Target audience: SHS students aged 20 - 22 years old

Nurses rocks!

July 24, 20102:43 PM

Scientific Calculator


Digital Weighing Machine

Measuring Tape

Nurses rocks!


NYP - Nursing Students
#Ervina Yap(19)
#Siaohuan Yeo(19)
#Nabila(19) - Leader
This is our Statistic's blog !
We will present our MARVELLOUS work here !


Jana's Group
Nichole's Group
HuiMiao's Group

The pasts

7/18/10 - 7/25/10
7/25/10 - 8/1/10
8/1/10 - 8/8/10

Now playing

Music code here!
Go to imeem to get it!


Designer : jiajia
Basecodes : Hinoki,